Beyond The Plot
As we’ve seen over the past few weeks, reading is a great way to bond with your children and help them improve language & literacy skills. As if this wasn’t enough, books play another critical role in the lives of young children; they allow children to feel new emotions & have new experiences in a safe, controlled environment. This helps children prepare for when they have these emotions & experiences in their lives and gives them a blueprint to deal with them. Children will pick this up naturally, but you can encourage the process by guiding them with questions & reading styles. This article provides some simple tips to help you create a more inviting space for you to connect with your child
Read It Again, Mom
Last week, our co-founder, Mike, shared his & his mother’s experience rereading The Little Engine That Could over & over again. We’re sure that you, as parents, can relate to this experience. Yes, it can be tedious or even frustrating at times, but we want you to know that this repetition is very important for your child’s development and you are actually helping your child learn much faster than reading a different story.
“I Think I Can, I Think I Can”
Our co-founder & CEO shares about his favorite childhood book, The Little Engine That Could, the role that it played in his life, and his mother’s experience reading it to him.